Directed by Rick Holloway
Reasons To Be Pretty is a contemporary play about the tyranny of beauty… in the minds of the pretty, in the minds of the not so pretty, in the minds of the observers and critics. It’s the third in a trilogy by Neil LaBute (the first two were The Shape of Things and Fat Pig) about society’s obsession with physical appearance.
Auditions will be held at Circle Players on Sunday, March 8 and Monday, March 9, 2015, starting at 7PM.
Invited callbacks on Tuesday, March 10, 2015. Auditioners should plan to arrive no later than 8:00PM.
Sides will be provided. Auditioners are invited to perform a 1 – 2 minute contemporary monologue if they have one prepared, but this is not mandatory.
Actors are needed for the following roles:
Greg: the classic ‘everyman’ … a nice guy with a tendency to say the wrong thing without being aware of it. He is well read (enjoys classic American literature in an effort to better himself) but remains in his dead end job. Does his best to avoid conflict whenever possible. (Works in a warehouse with Kent and Carly.)
Steph: Greg’s girlfriend. She has a hair-trigger temper and is argumentative, particularly when she feels emotionally wounded. One of Greg’s unsuspecting remarks causes her to end their relationship. She is close friends with Carly, but doesn’t care for Kent.
Kent: A quintessential jerk. Stereotypical chauvinistic jock who values women only by their appearance. Winning in sports and with beautiful women are his sole focus in life … emphasizing his one-dimensional character. Loves having the ‘trophy wife’ but is not faithful and always on the prowl to prove his manhood. Married to Carly.
Carly: She knows she’s attractive and not above using it to her advantage; however, also recognizes the burden of being ‘pretty’. Vulnerable, but can be manipulative if necessary. Only has her job because of how she looks. Works at the same warehouse as Kent and Greg.
Circle Players is located at
416 Victoria Ave
Piscataway, NJ 08854
If you have any questions, please email us at