Auditions for the first production of our 2016-2017 season, “Richard III”, written by William Shakespeare and directed by Jessica Damrow Sherman, will be held:
- Sunday, 6/12, 6-9 pm
- Monday, 6/13 8-10 pm
- Callbacks, if necessary, on Tuesday 6/14 8-10 pm
Performances are Fri 9/23/16, Sat 9/24/16, Sat 10/1/16, Sun 10/2/16, Fri 10/7/16, Sat 10/8/16, Sun 10/9/16. Friday and Saturday performances are at 8 pm, Sunday performances are at 3 pm.
Auditions will be held at Circle Playhouse, 416 Victoria Ave, Piscataway, NJ 08854
Audition Sides
- For Men – Side 1 |Side 2
- For Women – Side 1 |Side 2
- For Children reading for Young Richard/Young Edward | Side
Cast Breakdown
(ages noted refer to the age these characters should portray, not actors’ actual ages)
Richard (mid to late 30’s). Not a villain, not a tyrant. Deeply intelligent, lightning-quick wit. Developed a nearly lethal curvature of his spine as a teenager and now bears himself accordingly. A brave warrior and leader. Everything is a struggle, everything is a fight. Deeply loves Anne; nurtures an obsessive yearning for Elizabeth, his sister-in-law. The actor will be on metal forearm-cuff crutches for the duration of the play.
Elizabeth (early to mid 30’s). Queen of England at start of the play. Middle-class, and married up. Pragmatic, sexual, brilliant and knows it. A loving mother and devoted wife. She knows about Richard’s obsession and uses it as a weapon when she can.
Anne (mid to late 20’s). Grew up with Richard, and has always been in love with him. Both her husband and father-in-law were killed by Richard. Calm, thoughtful, loving, forgiving.
Cecily (mid to late 60’s). Mother to Richard, Edward and Clarence. Edward is her golden boy, Clarence her favorite. Even before his scoliosis set in, Cecily has never known what to do with her youngest son, Richard. Once his spinal issues were fully blown, Cecily just ignores him. He is the spitting image of his father, a man who Cecily still loves and mourns.
Margaret (late 30’s to mid 40’s). Former Queen of England, before Richard, his brothers and father overthrew the government and claimed the throne through battle. She personally oversaw the death of Richard’s father and brother, Rutland. Brilliant and vicious, she is both a warrior and born leader. She has come back from exile to watch the Wheel of Fortune spin again. She and Richard are true equals – they would have made an excellent brother and sister, such is their love/hate relationship.
Hastings (late 50’s-early 60’s – doubles as Tyrrel and others). A father figure to Richard and his brothers. A man who stands by his convictions, even to his own detriment.
Edward (late 30’s – also plays Richmond). The York family’s Golden Boy. Handsome, a fighter and a leader. Loves the ladies, and they love him. The actor will also play Richmond, another Golden Boy and later Richard’s rival for the throne.
Catesby (early-late 30’s). Catesby will serve whichever side is the winning side. Pragmatic and loyal to a point. Endlessly resourceful, but ultimately a coward.
Buckingham (early-late 30’s). Becomes Richard’s right hand man until Richard’s methods become too much for him. Essentially a good, loyal man – he wants to see a solid leader on the throne of England.
Rivers (mid to late 30’s – doubles as Lord Mayor and others). Elizabeth’s brother, and intensely loyal to both her and her children. Constantly protective of their family and new, improved status.
Grey (early 20’s – doubles as Brakenbury and others). Elizabeth’s son from her first marriage. Idolizes his mother.
Clarence (late 30’s-early 40’s – doubles as Ratcliff and others). The middle son, brother to Edward and Richard. A momma’s boy with no sense of any real responsibility. Luckily no one has ever expected anything of him. He truly loves his brothers and mother. He is especially close with Edward, and worships him.
Young Edward (10-12). Oldest son of Edward and Elizabeth and heir to the throne. Kind, thoughtful, respectful.
Young Richard (8-10). Younger son of Edward and Elizabeth. Fiercely loves his mother and brother. He is mischevious and too smart for his own good. Gets away with everything. Idolizes his uncle Richard, for whom is named. Richard and Young Richard have always been close.
If you have any questions, please email us at