Circle Players, along with director Diane Teichman, is pleased to announce auditions for the sixth production in our 2017-2018 season, “Dial M For Murder” by Frederick Knott.
SYNOPSIS: Tony Wendice has married his wife, Margot, for her money and now plans to murder her for the same reason. He arranges the perfect murder and a brilliant alibi for himself. But in this classic mystery immortalized on film by Alfred Hitchcock, nothing proceeds as Wendice anticipates, and a tense game of cat and mouse ensues.
The production runs June 8th – 24th, 2018.
Auditions will be held at Circle Players on:
Saturday, March 24th, 11 am to 3:00 pm
Tuesday, March 27th, 7:30 to 9:30 pm.
Callbacks on Thursday, March 29th, 7:30 to 9:30 pm. (Please note callbacks are by invitation only.)
If you have any questions please feel free to comment below or shoot us an e-mail at
Please note: all characters except Max require British accents. Lesgate, Hubbard, and Thompson may speak with upper- or lower-class accents, Tony and Margot should should speak with upper-class accents. Max speaks with a standard American accent.
Tony: M. 30s/40s. British. A former tennis player, Tony is currently planning an elaborate plan to have his wife murdered. He is a true gentleman, and is NEVER shaken or perturbed. Very good at thinking on his feet, he is cold and calculating, while giving off the demeanor of warmth and friendliness.
Margot: F. 25 – 40. British. She is fun-loving and optimistic, to her detriment. She is caring and trusting and believes people a little too readily. Born to money and married to Tony, she has also had an affair with Max in the past. She believes that all is well with her marriage now, however, and does not give up on that illusion lightly. Fight choreography required.
Max: M. 25 – late 30s. American. An crime writer for television, he has had an affair with Margot in the past and still truly loves her. A genuine good guy. He has a real sense of playfulness and innocence about him, but he is not shy about fighting for what he thinks is right.
Hubbard: M. 35+. British. The Chief Inspector, Hubbard is immediately able to tell that not everything is as it seems with the case. He is calm and professional, a true British gentleman. Plays his cards close to his chest, always has more ideas then he lets on.
Lesgate: M. 30s/40s. British. A former classmate of Tony’s at Cambridge. He has gone from educated student to petty criminal, mostly focusing in conning older women out of their money. While he believes he is a good criminal, he is easily able to be blackmailed. Nervous & jittery, unsuccessfully attempts to be suave and debonair. Fight choreography required.
Thompson: M. Any age. British. A police constable working with Hubbard. Will double as offstage voices and other parts.
• Hubbard
• Margot/Max
• Tony/Lesgate
• Margot/Hubbard/Tony/Max