Auditions: “Bill W. and Dr. Bob”

January 17 through January 19, 2016

Auditions for the fourth production of our season, “Bill W. and Dr. Bob”, written by Samuel Shem and Janet Surrey and directed by Ed Faver, will be held:

  • Sunday, 1/17 7-9pm
  • Tuesday, 1/19 7-9pm

Performances are April 8th, 9th, 15th, 16th, 22nd, and 23rd, 2016, at 8PM, and April 24th, 2016, at 3 PM.

Auditions will be held at Circle Playhouse, 416 Victoria Ave, Piscataway, NJ 08854

Cast Breakdown:

  • Bill W, aged 30-40 for much of the play, should be able to suggest 60 for a brief section of the play. Bill is lanky, on the tall side, and VERY charismatic. He has a salesman’s touch. When he speaks, he gets the attention of everyone in the room. Using vernacular of the time, one character tells Bill he could “talk a dog off a meat wagon.” He has become what he fears, a drunk like his father and grandfather.
  • Lois, aged 35-45, BIll’s wife and slightly older than him. Patient and supportive, but she has her limits. Lois is nobody’s “little woman.” She knows she doesn’t want to live with a drunk and isn’t certain that life with a newly sober Bill is any better.
  • Dr. Bob, aged 55-60, He is a surgeon and Bill’s partner in the creation of Alcoholics Anonymous. Dr. Bob is a bear of a man, gregarious, salt of the earth, and as stubborn as a mule. Alcohol is destroying his surgical skills and turning him bitter and hateful.
  • Anne, aged 55-60, wife of Dr. Bob. She is petite and can appear soft-spoken and shy, but she is a plain-spoken, no-nonsense woman of faith. Anne, like Lois, has patience to a point. She is no longer charmed by Bob’s antics and has no problem telling that to Bob.
  • An ensemble of 2-4 men and women of various ages are also needed. The ensemble plays a variety supporting characters in Bob & Bill’s lives.