Circle Players and director Roxanne Guarino are pleased to announce auditions for a staged reading that will serve as a special fundraiser during their 2018-2019 season, “Mr. Burns: a Post-Electric Play”, by Anne Washburn.
Please note the audition locations, as not all auditions will be held at Circle Players.
Anne Washburn’s imaginative dark comedy propels us forward nearly a century, following a new civilization stumbling into its future.
After the collapse of civilization, a group of survivors share a campfire and begin to piece together the plot of “The Simpsons” episode “Cape Feare” entirely from memory. 7 years later, this and other snippets of pop culture (sitcom plots, commercials, jingles, and pop songs) have become the live entertainment of a post-apocalyptic society, sincerely trying to hold onto its past. 75 years later, these are the myths and legends from which new forms of performance are created.
A paean to live theater, and the resilience of Bart Simpson through the ages, Mr. Burns is an animated exploration of how the pop culture of one era might evolve into the mythology of another.
We are looking for an ethnically diverse cast of 7 people (5 women, 2 men), ages 21-40, who like to experiment and have fun while acting and feel comfortable singing in front of an audience.
Please note that while the play talks about “The Simpsons” extensively, you DO NOT need to be familiar with the program. In act 2, scenes from an episode are briefly acted out, but the actors should not imitate the characters, just present an idea of them- ie, Homer is a foolish character, Lisa is a little girl, etc. Act 3 takes place 70 years after the collapse of current civilization, and the characters would not be familiar with the show, only with archetypes like the young hero or demonic villain.
However, familiarity with Washburn’s play is advisable. Participants do not have to be professional-level singers, although there will be some singing in the play.
The production will take place on Saturday, October 27, 2018.
Auditions will take place on:
Tuesday, August 28 at 7p.m. at the Senior Citizens Center in Metuchen, 15 Center St, Metuchen, NJ 08840.
Wednesday, August 29 at 7 p.m. at Circle Players, 416 Victoria Ave, Piscataway Township, NJ, 08854.
If you have any questions please feel free to e-mail us at
Audition Sides
• Matt, Jen, Gib
• Matt, Jen
• Maria
• Homer, Bart, Marge, Lisa
• Quincy, Gibson
Character Breakdown
MATT – Homer/Scratchy
Act 1: Matt is a “Simpsons” fan and loves to tell a good story. He’s hiding a serious loss behind his exterior.
Act 2: Is the actor who plays Homer in the rep company of “Simpsons” episodes.
Act 3 Plays Scratchy, demonic cat-henchman of Mr. Burns and functions as part of the Greek-style chorus.
MARIA – Marge/Marge
Act 1 Maria is a serious-minded person who’s not terribly familiar with ‘The Simpsons.” She’s had some harrowing experiences in the apocalypse and wants to fit in with the group.
Act 2 Plays Marge in the rep company and feels their dramas should be more meaningful and realistic.
Act 3 Plays Marge and functions as part of the Greek-style chorus.
JENNY -Lisa & Second FBI Agent/Itchy
Act 1 Jenny is an inquisitive “Simpsons” fan who tries to adapt to whatever situation she finds herself in.
Act 2 Acts as Lisa and the second FBI agent. She’s not afraid to stand up for her opinions even if they are unpopular.
Act 3 Plays Itchy, Mr. Burns’ demonic mouse-henchman and functions as part of the Greek-style chorus.
COLLEEN – First FBI Agent/Lisa
Act 1: N/A
Act 2: Colleen is the director of the rep company and their “Simpsons” play and commercials in Act 2. She is decisive and understands the importance of the audience, and the company’s valuable time and resources. Combative when threatened.
Act 3: Plays Lisa and functions as part of the Greek-style chorus.
GIBSON -Loving Husband & Sideshow Bob/Homer
Act 1: A prepared, but inexperienced survivalist and an amateur actor, he quickly makes friends with the group. He has some oddly specific areas of knowledge.
Act 2: Plays the Husband and Sideshow Bob. He is less willing to keep up the pretense of ‘normalcy’ after the apocalypse and is struggling with anxieties.
Act 3: Plays Homer, an archetypal father, in act 3 and functions as part of the Greek-style chorus.
QUINCY – Businesswoman/Bart
Act 1: N/A
Act 2: Plays the Businesswoman in the rep company. She takes her craft, to act out a bygone era, very seriously, but feels the entertainment should be uplifting. Tends to lecture others.
Act 3: Is Bart, the young hero of the epic play in Act 3. Is only occasionally part of the chorus.
NEDRA – Plays Edna Krabappel, who leads the chorus (which may be in blank verse) in Act 3. She is the mistress of this very epic ceremony.